Kids and Teens Classes

No pets required. We use stuffies, lego, plastic animals, and drawings!

No pets required. We use stuffies, lego, plastic animals, and drawings!

Animal Club

Thursdays at 4:30 pm
Ages 8-11.

Do you love animals? Do you have a pet, or wish you had one? This is the class for you!!!! Each class we meet a few animals in ‘pet show and tell’ and then we play/ learn about animals using our at-home stuffies, plastic animal toys, and drawings of pets we make up. We finish up with fun imagination games where we learn to think and act and play like different pets. It’s so fun!

It’s a delightful class that kids love; and they learn valuable animal care and communication skills that they can apply outside the classroom. It teaches compassion, biology, and responsibility, all in a fun and supportive environment.

$20/ Drop in session. 4 kids max.

Your teen and dog can accomplish so much together!

Your teen and dog can accomplish so much together!

Teens Train Dogs

THursdays at 5:45 pm.
Ages 12-18.

Your dog can learn amazing tricks super easily and its especially fun to peer into dog psychology.
Work with dog trainer, and agility competitor Sarah Giammarino and have an awesome time teaching your dog new things. You’ll improve your relationship with your dog, learn some great dog training moves, and have games and tricks to practice between sessions. Along the way you’ll pick up dog training concepts like shaping, lures, and reinforcement learning. Your dog can learn so much when you regularly train at home, and this class gives you a fun opportunity to practice with advice from a skilled professional. Enjoy wowing your friends with your cool tricks and excellent dog-human communication.

$30/ drop in session. 3 teens max.

Let’s train our Dogs!

Tuesdays at 11 am or or 6 pm.
Ages 8-12 yrs old.

Let's play with and train our dogs at home! Tricks, agility, body language, videos, sharing, and games make this a well-rounded dog and kid activity.

$30/ drop in session.