set up your new puppy for success
learn everything puppy and get the whole family on board for successful training
A new puppy is a new family member - one who speaks ‘dog’ and can’t always tell you what they need. Luckily, Sarah is here! She’ll help you with all of the following:
Puppy Biting
Basic Training
How to Communicate With Your Puppy
Exercise and Walking
Developmental Milestones
Puppy Health
get your puppy off on the right foot
Give them the care and attention they need to blossom into a great family dog
Learn the puppy basics so you can communicate with and manage your dog
Train using kind, effective methods that anyone can learn. The whole family is invited!
One month to puppy happiness
One Month Puppy Package: $180 + gst.
My one-month puppy package is the best way to get your puppy integrated into your family. It gives me a chance to learn what your specific puppy needs, and enough time to follow-up and make sure the training is working as expected.
Your package includes:
1 hour initial session,
A detailed puppy plan,
2, 30-minute follow ups
Email and text support.
Let’s Get STarted!
Step 1. Fill out the form below.
Step 2. We will chat over email to make a training plan and schedule.
Step 3. Start training and see results that matter to you!