CotonField in Abbotsford
I love the wood/ dirt interior.
CotonField is where many agility competitions are held. Its a dog training facility in Abbotsford totally devoted to agility! CotonField features full-sized agility equipment, dirt flooring, and a fully enclosed arena.
RocketDog rents CotonField for 3 hour class field trips (so its worth the drive out there!). Its the whole arena ONLY for RocketDoggers!
5 dogs max!
See if your dog meets the safety requirements below! Its not a trip for newbies.
Single dates are $152+ gst
Tuesday, January 21st. 12-3pm. (4 spots left)
Sunday, Feb 2nd. 9 am - 12 pm. (FULL)
Sunday, Feb 2nd. 12:30 pm - 3 pm. (FULL)
Tuesday, Feb 18th. 12 - 3pm (NEW).
Not available for booking just yet:
Sunday, May 25th 9 am - 12 pm
Sunday, May 25th 12:30 pm - 3 pm.
Cotonfield has full sized and safe agility equipment!
Who can come?
Dogs who have graduated from any 2 agility programs are welcome (i.e. 10-12 weeks of previous agility experience).
Yes, your guests can come watch (and help!).
Why are some trips shorter but the same price?
Since I’m running back to back groups, this incoming group does not have to set up the standard course and spectator fencing and it allows for lunch break for me.
How to register?
These spots are open to purchase now. Email first for a spot and get confirmation, then send an etransfer to Total $157.50 per field trip.
Cancellation Policies.
One more thing: This booking is subject to rescheduling if a full weekend booking by an agility competition choses to do so.