Follow Along with Sarah and Dolly!

online, drop in, live classes.

Join RocketDog online and play with your dog in your living room! Follow along with Sarah and her dog, Dolly and learn dog training, tricks, health care, and agility in our fast-paced ‘follow along’ style classes.
Your dog and kids will love these classes.

Browse the different follow alongs

Your dog follows along with Dolly at home.

Your dog follows along with Dolly at home.

agility at home


You might think a ton of gear is needed to start agility, but there are lots of foundations we can teach in your living room with minimal, home-made equipment. This class will take you through fun strength training tricks, agility obstacles, and the beginnings of steering your dog through an agility course. Their attention and obedience will improve too! It's a great place to start training your dog in agility, or build your already emerging skills. Your dog will LOVE this class!


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Puppy Training

SUNDAYS from 10-10:30 AM.

It’s fun for the whole family! Get your dog and gather for a live, fast paced half-hour of basic training including: leash walking, paying attention, and come when called. Tricks, and other fun dog behaviors are included too. You’ll improve your relationship with your dog, learn some great dog training moves, and have games and tricks to practice between sessions. All levels are welcome.

Students join our virtual classroom and simply follow along with Sarah and her dog, Dolly. Its like following a yoga video or Zumba class. Living Room Dog Training is taught by Sarah Giammarino (Rocketdog Training), who has 20 years experience helping people help their dogs!


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Sundays 10:35-11:05

Teach your dog some new tricks (and some classic tricks too)! We’ll cover the basics, like roll over and ‘sit pretty’ and introduce some soon-to-be-classics like a ‘nose touch’. We’re going to cover a ton of tricks - from ‘spins’ using simple lures, to multi-step tricks taught with shaping and verbal cues. Let your dog show you how easy it is to build a great trick repertoire, and become a better dog trainer while you do it!



Dolly has taught me a lot about teaching cooperative health care.

Dolly has taught me a lot about teaching cooperative health care.

Health Care

Wednesdays 7:35 pm- 8:05 pm

Can’t trim your dog’s nails? Have a sense that they would no accept you giving them ear or eye drops? Would you like your dog to be better at accepting health care?

Training your dog to be cooperative during health care procedures is a must! Let’s get training this together so you can have a lifetime of easy vet visits and nail care.
